この動画では、ブライトサイドの最新技術、タイムプロジェクターを使って、未来の宇宙と人類の運命を探る旅に出かけます。数百年後から1兆年後まで、人類と宇宙がどのように変化していくのか、一緒に考えてみましょう。#宇宙 #謎
ーーEnglish introduction textーー
In this video, we embark on a journey to explore the future of the universe and the fate of mankind using Brightside’s latest technology, the Time Projector. From a few hundred years to a trillion years in the future, let’s think together about how humans and the universe will change.
ーーEnglish introduction textーー
In this video, we embark on a journey to explore the future of the universe and the fate of mankind using Brightside’s latest technology, the Time Projector. From a few hundred years to a trillion years in the future, let’s think together about how humans and the universe will change.
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